Plays all of the slides in sequence from beginning to end.
Sets options for running your slideshow, such as what sections of the presentation you want to play, slide duration, and how to advance slides.
Plays your slideshow on all connected and specified monitors.
Selects the monitors you want to play your presentation on.
Displays a submenu of the sizes available for the selected font, allowing you to choose the font size you require for your text.
Select this menu option to display selected text in 9 points.
The selected text is displayed in 9 points.
Select this menu option to display selected text in 10 points.
Your selected text is displayed in 10 points.
Select this menu option to display selected text in 12 points.
Your selected text is displayed in 12 points.
Select this menu option to display selected text in 14 points.
Your selected text is displayed in 14 points.
Select this menu option to display selected text in 18 points.
Your selected text is displayed in 18 points.
Select this menu option to display selected text in 24 points.
Your selected text is displayed in 24 points.
Select this menu option to display selected text in 36 points.
Your selected text is displayed in 36 points.
Select this menu option to display selected text in 48 points.
Your selected text is displayed in 48 points.
Select this menu option to display selected text in 60 points.
Your selected text is displayed in 60 points.
Select this menu option to display selected text in 72 points.
Your selected text is displayed in 72 points.
Select this menu option to display selected text in 96 points.
Your selected text is displayed in 96 points.
Displays a dialog box in which you can specify a custom size for your text.
Your selected text has a custom size assigned to it.
Use this menu to create and edit slides and masters.
Creates new slides and asks if you want to use a master with the new slides.
Changes the name of the slide to the name you choose.
Deletes the current slide from your presentation.
Displays a submenu that allows you to choose the palette you wish to use in your presentation.
Displays a submenu of commands that allow you to choose the background for your slide.
Sets the duration of the current slide when you run an on-screen presentation.
Allows you to select a transition for your slide. You can preview different transitions to help you decide which one you want to use.
Use this menu option to jump to different slides in your presentation.
Allows you to edit a master slide in your presentation or create a new master.
Adds placeholders to your slides to signify where you want something to appear. Placeholders can be created for title text, body text, charts, pictures, actors, and QuickTime movies.
Allows you to select a master if there is no master slide currently attached. If there is a master slide attached, this option allows you to switch to a different master.
Creates a master slide from your current slide and prompts you for a name.
Removes the master slide from your current slide. Only objects that were not part of the master slide will remain.
There is no master attached to this slide.
Allows you to edit master slide objects on your current slide.
There is no master attached to this slide.
This is a sound currently loaded in memory. You can edit the sound by selecting it.
This sound is currently open.
Displays a submenu allowing you to open the Sound Editor, so you can edit an existing sound or record a new one.